How to Survive Losing Your Job in a Rough Economy

Losing your job can be difficult, especially in an economy where opportunities are limited. Understanding how to rebound from losing your job can help you to get through this rough patch. First, it is important that you maintain a positive attitude. Consider joining a support group of other people who are going through the same thing as you. This can help you to keep the situation in perspective.

In addition, make sure you are networking with all of your friends and family, as well as former co-workers. There is nothing shameful about losing your job. Let your contacts know you are looking for another job.  Most people don’t realize it, but many jobs are never made publicly known. It really can come down to who you know, so do not hesitate to get the word out that you are job searching.

Finally, make it your job looking for another job. Do not give in to the temptation to simply drift. Looking for a job can be hard work, but your results will be much more positive when you set a goal of sending out at least one resume or completing at least one application per day.

Losing your job can take a toll on your self-confidence. Developing a plan and sticking with it can help you make it through with your head held high, and assist you in finding your next job.

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