How to Pick the Correct Portion Sizes for Growing Children

Children require proper nutrition every day, and too little or two much food can adversely affect their health.  It goes without saying that portion sizes for children should always be smaller than portions for adults.  Children don’t have the self control that most adults learn, so when parents provide too much to eat, kids can become obese or wind up with health problems. 

Self Control Related to Age


Studies have found that tots under three will eat only until they are physically full, and refuse the rest.  In contrast, most kids over the age of three will eat what is put in front of them, and keep eating until all the food is gone.

Look on Cleaning Your Plate as a Bad Habit


‘Cleaning one’s plate’ is a learned habit, and a not entirely healthy one if you routinely feed your kiddie-winks too much food on a regular basis.  This means that parents are responsible for proper portion sizes and should not force children to eat more than they want.  Food is now readily and cheaply available in every high street supermarket, and it is no longer World War 2, with the rationing in effect that started this Western cultural habit!


Use Their ‘Fist-Size’ as a Guide


Parents need to keep in mind that the amount kids need to eat increases with each year of growth.  Everyone’s stomach is roughly the same size as their fist, so use that as a good rule of thumb when feeding your growing kids.  The size of the portions should be similar in size to the child’s fist, not yours. 

Don’t Let Them Serve Themselves


To ensure that your offspring get the right amount of food, always fill the plate for your children, rather than letting them serve themselves at home or at restaurants.  Also, don’t reward finishing a plate of food with dessert.  This will only overfeed the child, and reward them for something that is essentially often overeating to the point of sickness.

Keep Meals Balanced


In addition, balanced meals are important to good health.  Kids should be encouraged to eat items that will provide the proper daily intake of nutrients.  A good idea is to teach them about the food pyramid at a young age.  There are a number of excellent books available at every bookstore that can foster an interest and engagement with nutrition.

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