Is Farm Raised or Wild Caught Fish Better?

If you are looking to make healthy dietary choices, you have to examine everything about the foods you eat.  Sure, adding more fish to your diet can be healthy, but are you eating fresh fish or frozen varieties that have been packed in unhealthy preservatives?  Many fast food and grocery store bought options barely contain enough fish to be labeled as such. 


Even if you are eating fresh fish from your local fish market, you have to consider the source.  Let’s examine the pros and cons of farm raised versus wild caught fish.

Farm raised fish are highly popular these days, especially among people with environmental concerns.  This option is not as clear cut as it may seem however.  The fact is that many fish farms load the creatures with antibiotics and other solutions designed to allow them to live in close quarters, throwing the question about exactly how healthy they are into doubt.

On the other hand, however, wild caught fish can pose as many health problems, if not more.  Environmentally speaking, if the world switched to eating wild caught fish this would certainly be a bad decision for the environment, as many of these fish are caught using nets that drag up and kill any sealife in their path, or even by fishermen  who use dynamite to blow up entire sections of reef in order to kill the fish.  There is also the question of pollution caused by oil leaks from cargo and fishing boats, which has come into the spotlight even more since the gulf oil spill.

Ideally, both types of fish are generally safe if not eaten in excess.  If you are really worried about protecting yourself and the environment, however, you may wish to opt for the third choice, which is sustainable fish.  These fish are caught without damage to the environment, the ecosystem, or other creatures and are often the safest choice.

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