Making Honey Butter Shapes for Thanksgiving Offers Fun and Flavor

Honey butter is a great addition to any Thanksgiving table, and works well with almost any type of bread or dish that you might care to serve.  You can make your own honey butter at home with an easy recipe, and even shape your butter to add fun or elegance to your Thanksgiving table.


To make this Thanksgiving recipe, you’ll need a pound of honey, and a quarter cup of honey.  You might choose to add a bit of vanilla and cinnamon if you like.  Place your butter into a bowl and begin mixing it (with an electric mixer) until it loosens.  Add your honey to the bowl now.  If you have other ingredients, add them at this time.  Now, mix on medium until your honey and butter are blended and remove to a sheet of plastic wrap.


To make Thanksgiving shapes with your honey butter, you need to use candy molds.  You can use plastic, silicone or rubber.  Scoop butter out with a spatula and fill each of the molds.  Make sure that you smooth the back of the shapes when you are done.  Once all the molds are filled, put your butter in the coldest part of your refrigerator and allow it to chill for at least two or three hours.


When the Thanksgiving butter is chilled completely, remove the molds and hold them shape-side down over a tray or plate.  Tap the mold if the shapes do not come loose. Serve your butter on dishes to your Thanksgiving guests.

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