Why You Should Add More Protein to Your Diet

You have probably heard people tell you that you need to have a lot of protein in your diet if you want to remain healthy. This is true, but you need to make sure that you choose the right types of protein…. and that you don’t over-do it.


Protein helps you build muscle and repair your tissues. However, the body doesn’t store proteins as it does fats and carbohydrates, so you will want to make sure that you stay close to the max daily serving if you are exercising a lot or lifting weights. Eating too much protein is simply a waste, as the excess cannot be stored.


For most adults, the RDA of protein is about 6 ounces. Children need about 5 ounces. Teens and adults who are very active should have about 7 ounces each day.


While it’s true that eating lots of meat is a good way to increase your daily protein intake, you should stay away from red meat. While red meat certainly has protein, it is loaded with unhealthy saturated fat. When you are choosing protein for your diet, you want to make sure that you always choose the leanest protein possible. You should opt for fish, chicken, and turkey. If you truly have to have red meat, make sure that you always choose the leanest cut. Those who are vegan will be able to have soy or tofu as a substitute.

Adding more protein to your diet is easy. You can buy protein shakes at any gym, weight-lifting store or supermarket, add chicken, turkey or tofu to your salads, and increase the amount of beans in your daily diet. Protein can help to increase your muscle mass, and having more muscle makes it easier to burn fat – so you’ll lose weight too.


With so many great health benefits, adding more protein to your daily meals is a great way to start working on a new, healthier you.

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