Why You Should Include Sardines in Your Diet

Whenever you think of truly healthy foods, you likely think of things such as fruits and vegetables.  If you do think of meat, you likely think of fresh fish straight from the fish market, or organic red meats that are properly prepared.  One thing that few people think of is sardines.  Relegated to tiny tin cans at the supermarket, these fish are often neglected on the list of health foods that people should consider, yet the truth is that they are absolutely incredible for nutrition.


Omega 3 Joy


If your doctor has suggested that you add more omega 3 to your diet, sardines can be one of the easiest ways to do so.  Sardines can help lower triglycerides and prevent heart problems.  Sardines are also packed with Vitamin D and calcium, both of which are essential to the body, while offering a lower chance of mercury than most larger fish.


Carb Free


There are a significant number of benefits to eating sardines, and their convenient packaging and delicious flavor makes them perfect for a snack or a lunch you take to work.  They are loaded with protein and have zero carbs, so they are perfect for almost any diet plan. 

The Diet Version


If you are interested in adding sardines to your diet, consider choosing a variety that is packed in water or tomato sauce, rather than oil, to help avoid unneeded calories and fat. 

With the right diet, complete with sardines, you will find that you can do much to boost your overall health and nutrition levels.

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