Christmas Eve Family Activities You Don’t Want to Miss

Christmas Eve traditions vary from one family to the next, but there are a few family activities that are quite common.  Here are some ways to celebrate a traditional Christmas Eve.

Whenever looking for great Christmas Eve family activities, hanging Christmas stockings certainly cannot be missed.  Each family member can use markers or glitter and glue to decorate their own stocking with their name so that Santa will recognize it.  Once they are all decorated, gather together to hang them on the mantle, the wall, or even the back of the couch.  You can even light a red candle each to help light the way for Santa.  This is one of the most fun and treasured family activities.

Just before bedtime is when the best family activities begin on Christmas Eve.  Gather the little ones together to create a plate of cookies just for Santa and be certain to leave them where he will be sure to find them.  Baking together can also be a great tradition for the family to enjoy.  Don’t forget to set out a dish of water for the reindeer as well. 


When the snacks have been placed, gather the family around the fire or around the living room for a reading of the Christmas Eve favorite, “The Night Before Christmas”.

With all of these family activities shared together, your little ones will certainly be in the Christmas spirit. Then, on Christmas day, a new round of traditions and family activities can begin.

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