Five Tips to Help You Travel With Children

If you are planning to travel with children, you could probably use some travel tips before you get started. Here are some ideas to help save your own (as well as other’s) peace of mind.

For starters, you will need to pick up a combination stroller and car seat for children who aren’t yet walking regularly.  This is one of those travel tips that most people look over, but if you are thinking about wrestling with a stroller and a car seat, you’re in for a big headache.

Keep lots of books in the car or in your travel bag.  Even children that can’t yet read will enjoy looking at the pictures.  You can even read aloud at times, with the bonus of possibly lulling them to sleep and rewarding you with a few quiet minutes.  Books on tape are also something you should keep in mind.

Keep a bag of medications prepared at all times, and you won’t need to worry about forgetting one of them.  Pack a spoon for measuring purposes, and don’t forget to toss in sunscreen, band-aids and calamine lotion.

For the best travel tips, ask your kids.  They’ll want to be included in the planning, and you’ll be surprised at how easy-going they are when they think they’re going to have a say in the packing.

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