How to Increase Your Child’s Confidence With Horse Riding Lessons

Did you know that taking your child horse riding can actually increase their confidence?  This is such a proven technique that many therapists use it as a method of working with troubled children.  However, your child does not have to be troubled in order to benefit from horse riding.  Building confidence while children are young is essential to make sure they have the building blocks they need to get through teenage years and on into adult life. 


Why is horse riding so effective at building confidence in children?  Well, when your child is allowed to ride a horse, they are being put in control of something much larger and stronger than themselves.  Even if someone else is leading the horse, the very fact that a child is given the reins and put in charge of the animal will give them the confidence to know that they can handle something that big.


Additionally, an essential part of horse riding is learning to care for the animal, as well.  This includes brushing them down, feeding them, and fitting them with a bridle and saddle.  These practices teach a child responsibility and give them a sense of ownership of the animal – even if it does not belong to them.  When a child is given more responsibility over time, this is another confidence booster since they feel pride in knowing they have been entrusted with such responsibilities.


Most riding horses are well trained and are very docile animals, making them perfect for your child to work with.  By taking your child horse riding, you can instill confidence that will stay with them for many years to come, and can especially be helpful as your child enters the teenage years, which are particularly hard on their confidence. 


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