How to Clean Your Ugg Boots

Those UGG boots are warm and cozy, keeping your feet comfortable and protected from the harsh winter weather.  However, if you do not know how to clean your UGG boots, you will quickly find that they become dirty and smelly with repeated wear.  Skip the shoe store, you don’t need to buy a new pair.  You just need to learn to clean the pair that you have.


You will need:


To clean your boots, you’ll need a sponge, cold water, baking soda, paper towels, essential oil (your choice of fragrance), corn flour, a suede brush and leather cleaner.




To clean your boots, first moisten the outside slightly with cold water.  Do NOT put them under water.  Use a solution made of diluted leather cleaner, and put it on a sponge to gently clean the outside of the boots.  Use a clean sponge and cold water to rinse the boots afterward. 


Next, stuff paper towels or newspaper down into your boots and let them dry.  Do not put them in sunlight or in the dryer, or they will shrink.  You have been warned!


You now need to brush your boots with the suede brush to keep them clean and make them look like new once more. 

Future Care


To clean the interior of your boots and make them smell better, mix two teaspoons of baking soda with two teaspoons of corn flour and tip inside the boots.  Close up the top and shake for 30 seconds to deodorize them.  Tip the mixture out, then beat or vacuum the insides to remove the residue.


You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to the interior of your boots to keep them smelling fresh and clean.

You have now learned the best way to clean your UGG boots and keep them looking (and smelling) great.  Repeat this process every few months, or as needed, and your UGG boots will last you much longer.

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