How to Get Rid of a Flea Infestation

If you have a pet, you will most likely have to deal with fleas at some point.  Fleas can be more than annoying pests, though – they can actually cause serious health problems.  How do you eliminate fleas from your home?  Here are some simple steps.


The best way to ensure that fleas do not infest your home is to vacuum thoroughly on a regular basis.  This will remove both fleas and flea eggs from the carpet and soft surfaces of your home. 


You should also make sure that you have adequate flea treatment for your pet – assess your pet’s condition throughout the year, but particularly during summer and early fall when fleas are the most active.


You need to wash any bedding for your pet in hot, soapy water once a month or as necessary so that you remove or kill any flea eggs or larvae.  You also need to make sure that you bathe your pet regularly.  Once per week is ideal, though once every two weeks is acceptable.  Using an anti-flea shampoo from a pet store can also help.


Make sure that you speak with your vet about flea treatments for your pet.  Often, these can be given in pill form, and last for about a month. 


Once your pet is free of fleas, you might need to look into chemical exterminators to treat your home if the infestation is particularly bad.  If you cannot get rid of fleas through vacuuming and cleaning, then it is best to call in the pros.


Finally, keep your grass trimmed and cut, and make sure that any debris is removed from near your home.  These are natural breeding grounds for fleas.

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