How to Make Healthy Dog Food at Home

The cost of dog food in the pet store seems to be getting higher by the week, and you never really know what goes into the food in those bags.  If you recall, it was only a few years ago that tainted products killed a large number of pets all across the United States.  In addition to this, many of the common ingredients in the bagged food and canned food that you find actually are allergens for dogs!

In response to this, people are starting to make their own homemade dog food.  It is easy to do, and you will be able to find a number of options and recipes online.


Raw Food


Raw food might be the simplest to prepare, and it is quite healthy.  The raw options that are good for dogs include most types of meats, including beef, chicken, turkey, fish, and game meat, such as venison and rabbit.  Remove the bones so the dog doesn’t choke on them.  You will want to make sure that you include organs such as liver, as they have nutrients that dogs need.  You can likely find organs cheap at the local butcher.


Add Veggies


Don’t forget the veggies for your dog either.  Mix some squash, carrots, cabbage, or celery in with the meat.  Make sure that you puree the vegetables and mix it in so the dog doesn’t eat around the vegetables.


A raw food diet is great for your dog, and you will see a marked difference in the health and vitality of your animal within a few days of starting their new diet.  Take your dog to the vet if you notice any adverse reactions such as allergies to the new diet.

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