How to Prepare for a Hurricane Ahead of Time

A hurricane can be a devastating experience for everyone involved.  Recent large storms, such as Katrina, have caused massive amounts of property damage and killed thousands of people.  If you want to make sure that you are ready for a hurricane, you need to know how to prepare and survive.  The following preparedness and survival tips should help you get ready so that you can weather the storm.

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you know the correct emergency radio stations to listen to in the event of a hurricane.  Mark it on your dial so you can find it in an emergency. 


Secondly – listen to the authorities in the event of an emergency.  If the officials tell you that it is dangerous to stay in your area because of the hurricane, you need to leave.  Have a plan in place for your family, relatives and pets, and do not leave them at your home when you evacuate.  That includes the family cat, so always keep leashes and your cat carrier in an easy-to-reach place – don’t keep them in the attic.


Create a hurricane disaster kit that has first aid supplies, as well as canned goods, pet food and a large amount of clean, fresh water.  Don’t forget the can opener, flashlight and matches.  You should also have a bag of spare clothes and toiletries that you will be able to take with you in case you have to evacuate for the hurricane.  If you don’t have any first aid training, take a class.


Have a safe room in your house that is the least likely to be damaged in hurricane force winds.  This would most likely be the basement.  If you do not have a room that is suitable, make sure that you know where the nearest community shelter is.  Visit it at least once if you are concerned a hurricane may be coming, and have several alternate routes for getting there.  Let all of your family members know of a meeting place, such as the community shelter, in case you are not together when the storm comes.

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