How to Remove a Red Wine Stain

Is there a red wine stain on your carpet that is causing you frustration?  If so, you will be happy to know that you can get it out.  Red wine is one of the most stubborn types of stain, but with patience and the right products, the marks can be eliminated.  

The first thing you should do is blot the stain with a paper towel or a cloth.  This will remove any excess red wine and help to minimize the damage.  When this is done, add some carpet cleaner or dish soap to a bowl of warm water and start blotting the stain.  This should get the bulk of the wine out of your carpet.

If the mark on your carpet is older, you will likely need a stronger product to help you get the job done.  Oxi-Clean can be a great product for getting this done, but you will want to test it on an inconspicuous area of your carpet first to ensure colorfastness.  Apply the Oxi-Clean to the area and blot dry.

When the bulk of the stain is gone and you are confident it will not spread, use a carpet cleaner or a carpet brush to clean with hot water and cleaner to help get any excess wine out of your carpet. 

Red wine stains can be incredibly frustrating and unattractive, but with a bit of patience you can remove them for good and keep your carpet looking great without having to resort to a professional carpet cleaner.

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