Simple and Effective Method to Remove Chocolate Stains From the Carpet

Everyone likes chocolate, but sometimes things can get a little messy. You might find that your beautiful carpet now has chocolates stains on it, whether it was after a kid’s birthday party or a late night snack of your own. No matter how it happened, you need to remove the chocolate stains from your carpet as soon as possible.


When you see a fresh stain of melted chocolate, your first instinct might be whip out a cloth and to try to wipe it away. This can be a mistake, as all you’ll do is spread it around. Instead, wait for the chocolate to dry and harden. Once it is dry, you can start to remove the stains by scraping the dry chocolate with a butter knife. You should be able to get most of it up this way. Then vacuum up the flakes of chocolate (with a DustBuster, not with your mouth!).


You may still have some of the stain left on the carpet. Take some paper towels and place them over the stain. Next, use an iron on low to heat the area. The melted chocolate will adhere to the paper towels. When you are trying to remove chocolate stains, you might have to repeat this method a few times with fresh paper towels.

After you have started to remove chocolate stains with the iron method, you may find that you still have some spots that just won’t come out. You can now use small amounts of carpet cleaner or spot remover on the area. Follow the directions on your brand of choice.


You will find that this may take some time, but it is a simple and effective method to remove chocolate stains, and with any luck it will all come out. Now that you know how to remove chocolate stains from the carpet, you can enjoy this sweet treat as much as you want!

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