Tips for Choosing Foods for Children With Allergies

Seeing your children have an allergic reaction to foods that you purchased can be a heart-breaking and eye-opening experience. There are so many new additives and preservatives in foods that you buy from the grocery store that it may be hard to narrow down just what triggers allergies in your children. With the help of a physician and a little perseverance, however, you can begin to make a list of the foods that you should avoid in your home. 

Children with allergies to specific foods such as shellfish or peanuts are not quite as hard to shop for. You can easily avoid these foods and spare your children the reactions to allergies. What if your child is allergic to a specific artificial additive, though? There is no way to know which foods will spark allergies in your children without reading the ingredient label every time you shop, but unfortunately, that is really the best way to spare your children from food allergies. 

You should familiarize yourself with the ingredients of your child’s favorite foods and compare those ingredients to a list of possible allergies.  With a bit of trial and error, you and your children should be able to find several foods that do not provoke allergies.  Just remember to keep an eye out for new versions of favorite foods.  A “low fat” version of your child’s favorite cookie could contain those additives that are on the allergies list.  Your children deserve your diligence, though, so take that extra time at the supermarket and choose foods that will not cause reactions to allergies.

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