Why Today’s Children Are More Tech Savvy Than Any Past Generation

In a world filled with cell phones, laptop computers, and other technological devices that seem to be going off everywhere we go, it can sometimes be hard to see technology as a gift. As parents, though, it is important to understand that the link between children and technology must be formed.  In fact, it is crucial that children learn technology at an early stage.

For instance, most schools now have computers, most universities require students to work on laptops during classes, and today’s job market is becoming tougher, with the highest-paid jobs shifting towards those with a very high level of computer literacy.

Whether we like it or not, the world around us is becoming exceptionally advanced in terms of technology in a way that would be incomprehensible to children just two generations ago.  New technologies have always moved the world forward, and we cannot deny the improvements that technology has brought to our world; whether that’s designing a life-saving airbag system in your car or providing clean, green power for your home. 

In today’s world, however, technology is capable of bringing students together from all around the globe and allowing them to teach and learn from one another. Introducing children and technology into the classroom presents many opportunities.  Students are given access to considerably more information in terms of learning and research in the form of the Internet and mobile Internet devices such as the iPhone.  They are also taught how to find the information that they need and how to use machines and systems that will be integral to their career skills as they advance in life.

Studies show that children and technology often fit quite well together.  Today’s children are learning computer skills at a very early age.  Studies have shown that even pre-school age children can learn quickly how to do favorite technology-based tasks, such as loading a cherished DVD or playing basic computer games. This allows them the opportunity to learn in a different way than we did as children.  At school rather than reading from dry text-books (and doodling in the margin), children can view images and 3D models of well-worn scientific facts that help them to grasp science or mathematics in a much easier manner.  Learning to conduct their own research on the Internet (as well as in the library) also helps to teach problem solving skills that they will need throughout their lives.

While it can be hard to resist feeling of frustration when you hear a cell phone ringing in the library, it is important to remember that technology certainly has its benefits to your children.  The introduction of technology at a young age to your kids will certainly bring about a generation of adults with far greater research and technological skills than we had.  Technology is the force that keeps the economy and the world moving forward, and our students can be an integral part of that growth.

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