6 Foods And Beverages That Benefit The Liver

Better known as the body’s powerhouse, the liver is truly a multitasking organ. Apart from breaking down carbohydrates, making glucose, and detoxifying the body, it stores all the essential nutrients and generates bile—responsible for digestion and nutrient absorption. The liver is also responsible for filtering blood that flows from the digestive tract and sending the purified blood to the body. 

An increased influx of toxin can put undue stress to the liver leading to chronic liver diseases. Since the liver processes whatever you eat, your diet directly affects it. This is why it is extremely important to include foods and drinks that are good for the liver. Here are a few foods and beverages that help to keep the liver strong and healthy.

Beverages for better liver health

  • Coffee – It is true that coffee has received a lot of disapproval from health experts. But when it comes to liver health, you’ll be happy to know that your morning cup of joe is what they will recommend. In fact, coffee is considered to be one of the best beverages for better liver health. It prevents the build-up of fats and connective tissues in the liver. Drinking coffee regularly can lower the risk of cirrhosis and other chronic diseases that can cause permanent liver damage. It is advised to drink black coffee and stay away from coffee beverages loaded with cream and sugar.
  • Beetroot Juice – Packed with healthy nitrate, calcium, iron, vitamin B, and antioxidants, a glass of beetroot juice can rejuvenate your body. Apart from being good for the skin, blood pressure, and blood flow, beetroot juice is great for the liver. Beetroot contains the antioxidant betaine that detoxifies the liver and boosts its functionality. Additionally, beetroot juice reduces inflammation and oxidative damage of the liver. To get the best benefits, always go for natural homemade juices and not store-bought packaged ones.
  • Green Tea – If you’re looking for one of the healthiest beverages, look no further than the simple green tea. This fuss-free drink is packed with antioxidants, and regularly drinking green tea can help in managing oxidative stress and lower fat content in the liver. It’s also effective in lowering various symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Foods for better liver health

  • Oatmeal – Although most types of sugar aren’t really healthy, beta-glucans are an exception. These compounds have been observed to lower the level of fats stored in the liver, thus preventing fatty liver disease and other chronic liver disorders. Sometimes used as a medicine, beta-glucans are usually found in the cell walls of plants such as oats. Oats and oatmeal are one of the richest sources of beta-glucan. A regular intake of oatmeal in the diet is very good for the liver. Oats are rich also in fiber, which aids digestion and prevents digestion-related disorders. Go for whole oats or steel-cut oats rather than prepackaged oatmeal.
  • Grapefruit – Another food that is good for the liver is grapefruit. Eating grapefruit or natural grapefruit juice provides your body with two essential antioxidants—naringin and naringenin. They protect the liver from inflammation and prevent the build-up of connective tissues. Additionally, eating grapefruit lowers fat content in the liver, thus lowering the risk of fatty liver disease.
  • Dark-colored berries – Cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries are packed with antioxidant compounds known as polyphenols, which give these dark berries their distinctive color. These antioxidants keep the liver healthy, berries strengthen the immune system, and slow down the growth of fibrosis and lesions in the liver. Eating whole berries or their juice extracts can also lower the risk of liver cancer. A regular intake of berries can be quite beneficial for liver health.
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