Does Spot Reduction Really Work?

There is a lot of talk in the fitness and exercise world these days about spot reduction.  The premise of the method is simple: exercise a certain area of the body at the gym, and the fat in that area will disappear.  The question, however, is whether or not spot reduction can really work.  

The idea of spot reduction is certainly an appealing one.  Do a few crunches and watch that stubborn belly fat melt away.  Do some squats and hey presto, the inches fall away from your backside.  Sadly, however, this is not really how it works.  When you exercise a certain part of your body, all you are doing is strengthening the muscles in that area of the body. 


Fat is distributed unevenly throughout the human body, and where it is stored depends on your body’s needs.  In other words, all of the ab exercises in the world are not going to reduce abdominal fat, although the metabolism and strength boost will help you lose weight overall, from all areas of your body.  Spot reduction simply isn’t as good as the hype.

If spot reduction doesn’t work, does that mean you are doomed to a large belly or stubborn arm fat?  Of course not.  Exercising those areas will still add tone and definition, and you will find that it can be incredibly beneficial to your motivation as you see yourself start to ‘shape up.’  Adding in exercises that specifically burn fat can help make this more effective. 


Remember that to lose weight, all you need to do is burn off more calories than you are taking in.  A personal trainer can help if you are lacking motivation.  Spot reduction may not be a viable form of building flatter abs or eliminating flabby arms, but you will find that a great diet and exercise regimen can absolutely help you achieve the results you want.

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