Gastritis Diet – What To Eat & Avoid

Gastritis is a condition in which the stomach’s lining becomes inflamed, leading to numerous other diseases. It is usually caused by the same bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and in some extreme cases, it could even lead to gastritis cancer.

Some of the symptoms for this condition are a burning ache in your upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and feeling full in your upper abdomen after eating. Now, while most of us experience indigestion every now and then, it is important to not relate every stomach ache to gastritis. However, if indigestion and stomach irritation persists for too long (a week or longer), it is advisable to see a doctor to get the right medications.

Apart from the right medications, there are some foods that you can consume to help you through your gastritis. This will help you to avoid any triggers that may cause you pain.

High Fiber Foods
Fiber keeps the digestion in check and helps the movement of food in the intestines. Consuming a high fiber diet is good to maintain your health and gastritis.

Oatmeal is a great example. You can include this in your diet to make sure your intestines stay healthy. This also prevents constipation. It is important to have lighter meals when suffering from gastritis and oatmeal ensures you feel full for a long time, helping you avoid overeating as well.
Additionally, carrots too can be consumed because of its dietary fiber. It improves stomach and intestine conditions like diarrhea and constipation. Legumes like lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, and soybeans have enough fiber and flavonoids that halt the growth of H.pylori, a bacteria that causes this condition.

According to research, probiotics are useful in accelerating gut health, This, in turn, accelerates the recovery of gastric ulcers. It is noted to eradicate the effects of H. pylori in the gut. As a result, it makes for a good food group to consume when suffering from gastritis.

Yogurt has a soothing effect and has good bacteria that keeps your digestive tract healthy and boosts immunity. In fact, you can add some ginger in your yogurt to help fight inflammation, making it a superfood. You may also include probiotics like kimchi, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut.

Alkaline-based foods
To balance the pH level of the stomach, you may want to increase the consumption of alkaline-based vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, bananas, and melons are some good examples of this food group.

Bananas are even known to have pectin, which helps to move the contents of the stomach along the intestine. This avoids the formation of gas in the stomach. Melons too are high in alkaline content and have a good amount of magnesium, which is an important ingredient to fight acid reflux. Green vegetables like kale, spinach, and brussels sprouts also are naturally low in fat and sugar. This reduces the chances of aggravating stomach acid.

Non-carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are a big no-no for a gastritis diet. Consume drinks that are healthy and do not exude gas. Research suggests that consuming green/black tea once a week along with honey may reduce the risk of H.Pylori bacteria in the stomach.

Manuka honey is known to have antibacterial properties and makes for a good alternative to plain sugar in your tea. Moreover, for some people, sipping on plain warm water helps reduce stomach irritation. Lukewarm water, in general, has many benefits for the body including aiding in digestion, improving circulation, and relieving constipation.

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