How Breathing and Posture Can Cleanse the Mind During Kriya Yoga

Between getting the kids off to school and keeping the house clean, your days are eventful, not to mention stressful! You’ve thought about trying yoga to de-stress a hundred times, but you don’t have the time to spend hours at the gym every day.

Yoga can provide a much-needed mental escape from the troubles of your day, and it can also give you the exercise you need. Excessive stress can be harmful to not just your mind, but also to your body. If you’re ready to try yoga, there are several different types, but one of the best and most purifying is Kriya yoga.

Kriya yoga is all about purging your body of toxins through breathing exercises. Unlike other yoga techniques, Kriya teaches its followers that one’s breathing changes based on how a person is feeling. If you’re anxious and agitated, your breathing will reflect this. If you’re calm, your breathing will be easy and relaxed.

While practicing this type of yoga, you create an internal fire, and with it, you are burning all of your karma, or past actions. Your posture contributes to Kriya’s total-body-cleansing, as all of your energy is stored then released through your straightened spine. As you exhale, your mind and body are purified, and you will no longer bare the result of past transgressions.

Kriya yoga can be a truly freeing experience. It can help you calm your mind, heal your body, and deal more effectively with the daily stress of life. 

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