How to Achieve Glowing Skin All Over

There is nothing sexier than glowing skin.  It doesn’t matter what you wear, if you have great skin anything will look and feel amazing. Glowing skin doesn’t come easy for everyone, but there are multiple ways you can achieve it.


Work Out Your Skin


Exercising on a regular basis is the most important thing you can do to achieve glowing skin, because when we sweat we are getting rid of toxins, so this is a must. If you’re not a fan of the gym, try walking, biking, jogging or swimming for at least 30 minutes every day, or 1 hour 3 days a week.  In order to ensure you will stick with your exercise routine, do something you really enjoy and you will never get bored.  Working out with friends can make it fun and you can motive each other, for better results! The key is being consistent.

Dry Brush in the Shower


Before you take a shower always, always dry brush.  This is extremely important, because dry brushing stimulates your circulation and detoxifies the body.  You should dry brush on a daily basis to achieve maximum results.  You can go to your local grocery store and buy a soft natural fiber brush with a long ladle to reach all the areas of your body.  The proper way to dry brush is to brush counter-clockwise and towards your heart. Start at your feet and work your way upwards.  

Always Moisturize!


After you dry brush, follow this awesome recipe to make your own low-cost, organic moisturizer at home. Here are the ingredients:


–          Organic ground coffee (not instant)

–          Organic aloe gel

–          Organic vitamin E oil

–          Organic, raw, unprocessed cocoa butter (grated)


In a bowl mix ½ cup of the ground coffee, 2 tablespoons of aloe gel, 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil and about 2 tablespoons of the cocoa butter.  Mix all the ingredients well until you have a thick paste.  Apply it everywhere, including your face.  You can start either at your feet and move your way upwards or vice versa.  After you’re done, rinse well.


Afterwards, use your regular soap (make sure it’s mild, without a lot of chemicals) for your body and your regular face wash for your face and you will have glowing skin!  This recipe will will moisturize, repair and tighten your skin.  If you want really deep moisture don’t use your regular soap afterward.  You can apply the home-made lotion after the shower and pat off the excess with a dry towel. Your skin will feel absolutely incredible!


Don’t Skip Your Supplements


On top of the above beauty tips, eating healthy, exercising, and drinking plenty of water is important, but on top of those common-sense health tips, you should also take a good high quality omega-3 supplement (krill oil is recommended if highest quality is desired). Omega 3 literally oils your skin from the inside out, making it one of the most skin-friendly supplements you can take. And it’s good for your heart, too! You can pick up a pack for under five bucks from any decent vitamin store or drugstore.


Follow these simple steps and you will have glowing skin in no time! Get ready to feel fabulous and receive plenty of complements.

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