How to Keep Your Child From Developing Acne

Acne is a problematic condition for many children as they reach their preteen and teenage years.  It can also be a constant source of stress and frustration for any household.  So what can you do to help prevent the condition in your child? Let’s look at three tips for acne-free children.

Tip #1: Hygiene is Crucial
Proper hygiene is absolutely essential.  Your kids need to learn proper hand and face washing techniques from a very early age.  If possible, purchase only organic and noncomedogenic face washes and makeup for your family members.  This will help prevent acne in your children while teaching them not to use chemical laden products.

Top #2: Exercise is Great!
Exercise can go a long way in preventing acne.  It helps release excess hormones and generally leaves the body with far fewer toxins.  Children should be exercising for numerous reasons, and acne prevention is among them.  Because stress is a common cause of acne, even a low impact exercise regimen such as a yoga class can help prevent acne in children.

Tip #3: Diet is Key
One of the best ways to get acne free children is to make sure that they enjoy a healthy diet.  Organic foods are free of chemicals and pesticides and offer the body more nutrients that processed foods.  Adding antioxidants in the forms of fruits and veggies can also be helpful in protecting the skin. 


With the right diet, hygiene and exercise regime, your children will rarely have to worry about acne as they make their way towards adulthood.

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