How Weight Loss Surgery Works is it For You?

Around 400,000 people have liposuction every year. This is the most common of the weight loss surgeries. It is used in very extreme cases of obesity as well as for simple cosmetic purposes. Losing weight via surgery is oftentimes sought by those who are actually in very good shape, but who have stubborn fat deposits that refuse to go away. At most, 5 liters of fat may be removed during any one liposuction procedure. This can amount to significant weight loss for some patients.

Stomach stapling is another weight loss surgery. This procedure is very dangerous and is recognized as so by the AMA. It involves fostering weight loss by stapling and banding the stomach. This restricts the amount of food that can be eaten and slows the digestion process, resulting in a feeling of fullness after eating just a small amount of food. Compared to liposuction, this procedure is much more serious, much more dangerous and is only called for when obesity is actually threatening the life of the patient.

The difference between these weight loss procedures is significant. Where liposuction is concerned, excess fat is simply removed from the body through an incision cut in the skin, resulting in the desired weight loss and body shape. Where stomach stapling is concerned, a surgical restriction is placed on the amount of food that can be consumed. The resulting weight loss comes from the patient actually physically not being able to eat.


For cosmetic purposes, weight loss is only recommended via liposuction. If a doctor recommends a procedure as dangerous as stomach stapling, the weight loss is likely a matter of life and death and should be treated as such.

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