Improve Your Complexion With Simple Kitchen Ingredients

Natural skin care is one of the most popular options for improving your complexion.  Many people have reactions to the artificial ingredients used to make products designed to clean your skin.  If you have these problems with your drugstore products, consider treating your complexion the natural way.

Honey has been used for centuries to improve the complexion.  People generally mix it with other ingredients or add it to their bathwater.  Honey helps your complexion by providing antioxidants and by providing a natural way to battle microbes.  Honey is well known for absorbing and sticking to just about everything.  Where your complexion is concerned, this property can help get blackheads out of your skin and to fight dirt that’s deep in your pores.

Lemon juice is another popular treatment for the complexion.  Lemon helps your complexion by proving antioxidants and by being an incredible dirt and grease remover.  Most people who use lemon to improve their complexions apply a bit of lemon juice to their skin in the morning or the evening.  For some people, this might be a bit harsh.  You can mix the juice with a bit of water or cucumber juice to cut the acid content down a bit.  Use a cotton ball to apply it to your skin.

People who use honey and lemon on their skin oftentimes find that their skin looks brighter, cleaner and much clearer than it does with other unnatural cleaning products.  Try it tonight!

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