Stop Frizzy Hair This Winter With These Simple Tips

Is the dry winter air turning your hair into a frizzy mess?  If so, you are certainly not alone.  Here are a few tips and tricks to help you avoid the frizzy nightmare, and keep your hair as beautiful and luxurious as always.

Stop Blow Drying
Your hair is dry enough during the winter, and blow drying is only going to make the problem worse.  Get up earlier if need be to towel dry your hair.  If you absolutely have to blow dry, use the towel to soak up as much as possible and use the lowest possible setting until your hair is just dry enough to tolerate.

Consider Fabric Softener
It may sound silly, but rubbing a dryer sheet over your hair before you leave the house is an effective way to combat frizzy flyaways.  The static prevention will keep your hair in place all day.

Stop Brushing
It may not sound like a great idea, but if you stop brushing, you will stop experiencing much of the frizzy mess that comes with dry autumn air.  Instead, buy a wide toothed comb for eliminating tangles.

Wait Before Washing
Consider washing your hair only every other day, unless you have a messy job or get something in it.  Excessive washing only dries your hair out more, increasing the amount of frizzy flyaways you experience.

With these simple and inexpensive tips and tricks, you can turn your hair from a frizzy nightmare back into a beautiful and luxurious style.

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