Top 5 Negative Effects Smoking Has on Your Health

Thanks to modern studies, it has become well-known that smoking has numerous negative effects on a person’s body. However, there are many people who still choose to smoke or find themselves addicted to nicotine, the main ingredient in cigarettes. Why is smoking so bad for your health and your diet?

The most well-known negative effect of cigarettes is (of course) lung cancer. The continued inhalation of the carcinogenic ingredients in a cigarette can eventually lead to the formation of cancerous cells within the lungs. In addition, for similar reasons, continued smoking can lead to a lung disease called emphysema, which cannot be cured. Smoking can also cause other problems like high blood pressure, heart conditions, and even stroke, due to the stresses that breathing smoke into the delicate lung tissues causes to the body.

There are numerous other ill effects from cigarettes. Generally, people who smoke will notice that they lose their appetite, so they will not get the nutrients they need. They may see this in a positive light, in that they feel smoking helps them with weight loss or helps them stay slim, but it is just an illusion of good health they, have, as they may actually be malnourished. This will set them up for increasing bad health as they get older. Additionally, smoking causes a gradual yellowing of the skin and teeth, which make a person look unhealthy as well.

In the short term, smoking can lead to health problems like shortness of breath and fatigue. In the longer term, it can cause serious health problems like many different kinds of cancer and chronic conditions.

In addition, smoking can cause relationship problems if your loved one dislikes you smoking (they may not mention it to you, but if they are a non-smoker themselves they most likely don’t like you smoking). Your family or significant other may misread your inability to quit as a sign that you don’t love them enough to quit. It is important you talk to your partner or children if they seem upset when you smoke. Let them know you are physically addicted to nicotine, and whether you smoke or not has nothing to do with your love for them.

If you are serious about stopping smoking, talk to your doctor. There are many prescription medications such as Chantex you can take to lesson the symptoms caused by stopping smoking, such as withdrawal cravings, headaches and mood swings. Please note that these medications are not suitable for everyone, so go ask your doctor before you start taking it. The most effective method of quitting is by wanting to quit yourself – not because someone is telling you you should quit. Enlist your friend to help you quit as a support system is very helpful in keeping your motivation up. 

Since there are so many problems that can arise from smoking, it is important to quit the habit if you have started it or never take it up if you have not. Smoking will play havoc on your health, your diet and even your looks. With so much at stake, is that next cigarette really worth it?

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