Reasons Why Dieting Should be Avoided

Many people put a lot of effort into their quest to lose weight. Whether they are working on their weight for health or for image, the majority will turn to dieting in order to drop the pounds. For some, dieting may even be productive for a short time. However, in order to truly lose weight and keep it gone for the rest of your life, dieting is not the best option. In fact, for your health, you should avoid dieting. Here are the reasons why.

Most diets are completely focused on losing pounds quickly, not on tuning the body to the peak of physical health, which is the only sure-fire method to keep the pounds off for good. Diets are also harmful to the body because they focus on eliminating entire food groups, which does not provide the right nutrients for a healthy body. In fact, some dieting programs can be so strict and so unhealthy that a person can become clinically malnourished.

Most people do not consult a doctor before starting a diet, as they do not feel they need specialist advice because everyone these days is on some kind of diet. But dieting can lead to a number of lifelong health problems as the body tries to compensate for the loss of nutrition that it needs, such as leaching calcium from the bones if you cut out dairy, for instance.

Another reason to avoid dieting is that it is actually very temporary. In most cases, dieting only works to lose weight while the person is on the diet. Most diets insist that you stick to a strict eating plan which is difficult if not impossible to maintain in the real world. So as soon as you stop dieting, the weight could come back quickly. This can cause an effect known as the “yo-yo diet” because the weight is continually gained and dropped. This is also very unhealthy for the human body because it puts excess strain on the heart and other vital organs as it tried to rapidly adjust to what it sees as the life-threatening condition of malnutrition.

If you want to lose weight, remember that dieting is not the best option. Instead, a combination of healthy eating and regular gentle exercise can help you lose the weight you want, keep it off, and become a healthier person.

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