Is it Possible to Lose Ten Pounds in Ten Days?

Weight loss is not best achieved by crash diets or starvation. In fact, you can lose ten pounds in ten days without being extreme on yourself or endangering your health. To achieve this kind of weight loss, you need to commit to the effort wholeheartedly and to know your body. It starts with some very simple ideas.

First, eliminate any excess fat and carbohydrate from your diet. These are the two biggest barriers to weight loss. It’s preferable to eliminate meats and cheeses because of their high fat content. Weight loss starts with cutting fat and, realistically, you need very little fat during the day.


Carbohydrates come mainly from junk food. Get rid of them right away. If you need a snack, think carrots and celery, not chips and dip. Your body will run on them much more efficiently and you’ll soon lose the highs and lows of the sugar crashes that junk food and soda provides you with.

Water weight loss frequently deceives people. Make sure you keep up your water intake. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself with an illusory form of weight loss that can amount to a pound a day. It will come back when you rehydrate. If you are dehydrated you’ll feel constantly tired and foggy, and may have a headache.


If you want to loose weight then you’ll need to exercise more, and that will make sure you’re thirsty enough to drink more water. It will also give you a healthy appetite, which is actually an important part of weight loss.

To exercise for your weight loss effort, consider simple things. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Join a gym and go with your friends once a week at least. Look for a far away parking spot instead of a convenient one. Walk to the corner store, don’t take the car. All of these small changes can easily help you shed a pound a day. If you crash diet for the weight loss, you may lose ten pounds, but you’ll gain it back as soon as you stop dieting.

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