How to Make Curried Beef

With minced beef being as cheap as it currently is at the butcher shop, it makes sense to learn a few mince recipes.  This recipe for curried beef is a great one for a family meal and is extremely filling and warming.  It also contains some tasty vegetables and great nutrition to get your family through the chilliest winter days.


To make curried beef, you will need:


12 oz of ground beef (lean)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 onion (chopped)

1 garlic clove (or jar of pre-chopped garlic in oil)

1 carrot (chopped)

2 tablespoons curry powder

1 medium can crushed or diced tomatoes

1 tablespoon tomato paste (ketchup will do)

1 cup peas (fresh or frozen)




Add the olive oil to a large saucepan or wok, and heat the mince on medium-high.  Add your onions, garlic, carrots and curry powder, and fry together until the onions are golden brown and the carrot is softened.


Add the ground beef, and cut it up in the pan as it starts cooking with a plastic spoon, or spatula, so it cooks evenly.  Turn the pieces over when they’re done on one side, further breaking up the beef as it cooks until no large lumps remain.  


Cook until none of the meat looks pink; it should all be medium-brown.  Strain off any fat that arises from cooking by draining everything in a wire mesh sieve halfway through cooking.


When meat is cooked, pour in the tomatoes, tomato paste and peas.  Stir everything together and simmer for five to ten minutes, until everything is blended together.

Serving Suggestion:


Serve over white rice, and garnish with dried or fresh parsley.

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