Learn How to Easily and Correctly Carve a Turkey

One of the most important parts of the Thanksgiving meal is carving that bird once it’s ready to be served.  However, no matter what recipe you follow to cook your turkey, you might find that carving your Thanksgiving turkey is not as easy as you might think.  Still, the right tips and tools will make it simpler for you.  Here’s a rundown of what you should do.


First, make sure that your Thanksgiving turkey has had time to rest after cooking – usually about twenty minutes.  This lets the juices really work their way through the meat. Now, it’s time to carve it up.  You need a thin-bladed knife, with a very sharp edge.  You also need a curved meat fork.  Now, run the knife under the turkey’s body to locate where the thighbones connect with the rest of the body.  Slip the knife into this joint and separate the thigh on each side.


Now, use the same technique to separate the legs from the thighs – cut through the joint, not the bone.  Now, run your knife down the bone, separating the meat from the bone.  Try to keep as much of the Thanksgiving meat in one piece as possible, then cut it into thin slices.  Next, use your knife to locate the connection point of the wings to the body.  Cut through the joint.


With the wings removed, cut thin slices of the breast of your Thanksgiving turkey.  Cut parallel to the breast until you have removed as much turkey as possible.  Repeat this step on the other side.  You have now carved your perfect Thanksgiving turkey!

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