How Great Nutrition Keeps Your Eyes Healthy

With the right nutrition, you can prevent the onset of macular degeneration and cataracts.  A good diet that is based on essential vitamins can maintain the health of your eyes. You’ll also find that you need to spend less money at the optometrists by doing your part in maintaining healthy vision.

Here are some of the best vitamins to take if you want healthy eyes:


Vitamin A
When you consume an adequate amount of Vitamin A, you are less likely to contract night blindness.  It also regulates your retinal eye health.  Food nutrition such as carrots, spinach, squash and red bell peppers are a good source for this vitamin. 

Vitamin C
Good nutrition relies on appropriate levels of important vitamins.  Vitamin C safeguards your eye health and acts as an antioxidant.  You can find plenty of foods that contain Vitamin C such as tomato juice, cauliflower, papaya, broccoli and strawberries. 

Vitamin E
Eating almonds, mango, peanuts, sunflower seeds and eggs can help you obtain good nutrition to improve your eyesight.  Vitamin E helps make your vision clearer by reducing inflammations that may occur.

Another antioxidant that is important to have in your body is sulfur.  It helps maintain the health of the lens and fights bacteria growth.  You can find sulfur nutrition in capers, garlic and onions. 

With so many people leading busy lives, it can be difficult to consume the right amount of nutrients each day.  As a result, you can purchase supplements that will help your body obtain what it needs to function properly.

Your eyes are made up of many intricate parts that must be cared for in a proper manner.  With good ocular nutrition, you can improve your eyesight and ward off disease. 

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