How to Make Thanksgiving Turkey Decorations

Finding the right festive Thanksgiving decorations can take time.  You can certainly stick with the tried and true, but what are your options if you want to add some fun to your Thanksgiving decorations this year?  Making turkey decorations is a new craft that will give you and your children’s creative skills to work.


Here are two fun types of turkey for you to make.


Turkey Balloon


First, you need some supplies for your Thanksgiving decorations.  You need two large red balloons, a long yellow balloon, a piece of cardboard, scissors, tape and some markers or paint.


Begin by inflating one of the red balloons and tie it off.  You want it to feel firm, but not tight.  Now, partially inflate the yellow balloon and tie it off when you’re done.  The yellow balloon will serve as the head.  You now need to make the wattle by tying the second red balloon to the yellow head.


To bring your Thanksgiving decorations together, tie the knotted ends of the body and head together.  On your cardboard, you should draw some turkey feet large enough to balance the body of the bird.  Cut them out and tape them underneath the body.


It’s time to add wings and facial features to your Thanksgiving decorations.  Use your markers or paints to do this.  You will find that these Thanksgiving decorations are the best option to add a bit of fun to your holiday and can work as volleyballs, as items in relay races or even to use as a table decoration.

Crepe Bell Turkey


A slightly more complex turkey can be made by buying a crepe paper bell – these can be found in most party stores. Get one in colors of yellow and orange.  The bottom of the bell is the turkey’s tail-fan. 


Simply draw the turkey’s body on a piece of card (as shown in the picture above) and cut out.  Fold a piece of card in two and draw legs.  Use craft glue or tape to fix the body to the legs, then attach the bell.  This is a fun project for an older child!

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