How to Order Healthy Food When Dining Out

Do you love to go out to eat at restaurants, but are unsure how nutritious the food you are choosing is?  For people in the state of Vermont, this has recently become easier, as restaurants are now required to put the calorie content of every menu item prominently on the menu.  For the rest of the country, however, this is still somewhat difficult.  So how do you work out the nutritional content of your food?  Let’s look at some options to help make this easier.

One thing you should do to begin with is to look at online resources.  Most popular restaurants will post nutrition information on their websites.  You will also find that searching on Google for the word ‘nutrition’ plus the name of the restaurant, will provide you with info on their food.  If you eat the same few food choices each visit (which most people do), you can also look into that particular food item online to get an idea of how healthy it may be. 

If the food item you want is particularly unhealthy, consider modifying your order to make it more healthy.  Cutting out rich or creamy sauces or condiments can often greatly improve the nutritional value of certain food items.  Trading in a bun or bread for a wholewheat wrap can also make an item much healthier, as well as replacing unhealthy sides such as fries or onion rings with a salad and some mixed veg. 

When you learn all of the right tips and techniques, you can ensure that you never have to decline an invitation to dine out simply because you are worried about the nutrition of the food available. Make a smart choice when it comes to your dining options, and you’ll reap the benefits of your future health.

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