How to Turn Your Favorite Photos Into Wall Art

It seems like just about everyone today has a digital camera, and many of the digital cameras on the market are high quality.  This means that more people are able to take a nice photo, whether they are taking landscape pictures, portraits or experimental shots. 


If you have a family photo that you love, you might want to do more with it than just putting it online on a social network or a photo sharing site.  You might want to have it blown up and hung in your house as a piece of art.  This is easy to do when you know how.


The first thing you want to do is to hop on your computer and import the photo into some photo editing software such as Photoshop.  You want to increase the size of the photo to the desired size that you want for the wall art.  If you have a sharp, high resolution photo, it is going to look better when you blow it up.  In the editing program, you can adjust the colors so they are just right, change it to black and white or sepia, and manipulate it until it is perfect.


You have several options when it comes to printing the picture.  If you are going to do it on your own, you will need to have a good printer that is large enough to print the piece, or you can use a “stitching” program such as ‘Big Picture’ to print sections of the photo.  Always make sure that you use high-quality glossy paper for the photo, otherwise it’ll look dull and flat.


Another option that might be simpler but cost more is to take the photo to a professional photo printer after you’ve adjusted it in your editing software.

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