Top 5 Workouts That Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite can often be embarrassing and hard to eliminate.  Yet, many effective workouts can help you tone and firm your problem areas so that you can reduce the dimpling and wrinkling that are characteristic of this condition.  Your focus should be on engaging in exercises that target your legs, upper thighs, butt and midsection.

Resistance Training
A 20 to 30 minute session of intense cardio workouts is important.  You should focus on squats, outer and inner thigh lifts, leg presses and using a resistance band. 

Stair Exercises
Whether you use a stepper or physical stairs, the continuous up and down movement can strengthen your legs and buttocks for additional muscle mass. 

Light jogging can help melt away the excess fat and cellulite that your legs may contain.  It also lifts and improves the appearance of your buttocks. 

This particular cellulite exercise builds muscle in almost every area of the body.  Many people prefer to swim, as this reduces strain on joints.

Weight Training
In order to gain the muscle you need to combat cellulite, you will need to use weights.  A rigorous form of exercise can help burn off extra calories and fat so that the body is ready for firming.

Living with cellulite is not easy and its appearance can make you feel uncomfortable.  By using the right methods, you can get a firmer and toner body that will make you look and feel great about yourself.  Cellulite is manageable when you take the right course of action.

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