How Deep Water Running Can Boost Your Health

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  There are some cases, however, where an injury may put you out of the action for a while and, for some people, high-impact exercise at the gym is really not a viable option.  Deep water running is one way you can get aerobic exercise without straining your body to the breaking point.

Exercise that stresses your body in a bad way is probably best exemplified by running.  The shock on your knees and your calves can be substantial.  For some individuals, the stress makes running and other aerobic exercise more damaging than healthy.  Fortunately, deep water running allows you to get the same workout without any of the impact.  Just as the name implies, you exercise by running in water that’s too deep for you to touch bottom such as at the deep end of a swimming pool.

Deep water running requires some instruction. You’ll need an exercise coach to show you how to do it and some sort of floatation device that allows you to remain suspended.  The exercise, other than this, is very much like running.  This allows you to get intense aerobic exercise—you’ll be surprised at how fast you tire, even if you’re a runner—without pounding on your shins and the rest of your body. 


If you’ve been injured, be sure to ask a doctor before engaging in this activity or any other exercises.  Your doctor may well recommend this workout if you’re a runner who’s laid up with an injury.  Some active runners even find this exercise very effective.

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