Exercising Right for Your Body Shape

By understanding the importance of special exercises for your specific body type, you can lose weight in a shorter period of time.  Focusing your weight-loss efforts on certain areas of your body can make you look slimmer and more toned.  Seeing real results can keep you motivated throughout your exercises. Here are the most basic body shapes:


Pear Shape/Hourglass

If you have a pear shape body, then you need to concentrate on using exercises that will make your hips and thighs appear more slender.  Many women have extra fat tissue in these areas, so intense cardio exercises are the best choice to burn off excess calories.  Once a few inches have melted away, you can begin toning workouts such as weight-lifting that will make your body firmer and stronger. 


While slender women may not need to lose body fat, they can certainly benefit from toning exercises.  Even the skinniest people can have flabby areas that can be tightened with a little bit of effort.  By focusing on key areas of your body, you can obtain a more shapely figure.  It is best to avoid any exercises that burn off too many calories, as you do not need to lose any more weight.  Low intensity workouts are ideal. Boost your calorie intake with a protein shake every now and then if you are prone to losing too much weight.

Apple Shape

If your body is characterized by a heavier midsection, then you probably have an apple shape.  In order to combat this, you should focus on your overall weight loss goals rather than just focusing on spot-reduction techniques such as crunches and stomach workouts.  It is common medical knowledge that spot-reduction exercises do not help you shed extra weight in that area (being good only for tightening up the muscles beneath), so you’ll need to focus on losing weight overall to see any difference in these areas. It is also recommended that you increase your metabolism by eating the right foods.


Having a clear perception of your body allows you to choose the appropriate workout for your particular shape.  Weight loss and toning can be much more effective if you use the right methods.

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