How Garlic Can Cut Your Cancer Risk

Garlic is great for many things. You can cook with it, ward off vampires, and even experience some surprisingly good health benefits. For years, people have used the odoriferous bulb to help treat many different health problems and ailments. Today, some experts believe that it can even help to prevent certain types of cancer. In fact, many studies have shown that some of the components in garlic can actually halt the process of cancer.


Stomach cancer and prostate cancer seem to be affected the most by garlic, and studies show that the plant can help with prevention in other types of cancer as well.


However, no matter what your doctor tells you,  you do not want to make the mistake of thinking that garlic is a cure-all when it comes to cancer. If you have already been diagnosed with cancer, you will need to have the treatment of medical professionals. They will be able to best explain all of your options to you. However, if you have a strong family history of cancer or just want to improve your health overall, adding garlic to your diet can’t hurt you and it may actually help to reduce your risk of developing cancer as you get older.


While holistic treatments with garlic might not work all the time, many people find that they are still worth trying. Since garlic has come to prominence as a treatment for many ailments, you won’t have trouble finding it in pill form. You could always simply add more garlic to your meals too. While garlic in fresh bulb form carries to most potent dose of cancer-fighting chemicals, using minced, dried and even ground garlic is a good investment in your future health.

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