The Best Natural Remedy for a Sore Throat

If you have a sore throat, it can make everything miserable.  It hurts to breathe, to swallow, to talk, and even to eat.  Nothing makes you feel better, and when cold medicine is not a readily available or you don’t feel like going out to the drugstore, you can feel like all there is to do is suffer.  The good news, however, is that a natural remedy may be just what you need.

A great natural remedy for a sore throat is to mix some cayenne pepper with warm water and gargle for as long as possible.  Repeat this about every fifteen minutes, and within an hour or so, your sore throat will feel much better.  While you might think it is going to be spicy, the burn of the pepper is actually incredibly mild, and helps to numb your sore throat.  Adding the pepper to your soups or foods is a great way to get sore throat relief while you eat.

Honey and tea is another great choice for a sore throat.  Both are incredibly soothing, and when used together, they can be a big help to soothe the rawness.  Adding lemon can also help significantly.  Honey tea usually provides relief in about ten minutes.

Believe it or not, apple cider vinegar is also excellent for a sore throat.  Take about a teaspoon of the vinegar every half hour, and before long, the symptoms are gone.  It can even be added to honey tea to dilute the flavor and provide greater relief.

A natural remedy can be wonderful for a sore throat.  If these remedies do not provide relief, contact your doctor for a strep throat test, which will require antibiotics.

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