How to Correctly Tape Shin Splints

A shin splint is painful at the best of times, and it can hamper your ability to get around whether you are playing sports or just walking.  Doctors agree that this damage often occurs when you engage in vigorous activity without warming up, such as working out or running, and you do not give your body adequate time to rest and recuperate afterwards.

If you have a shin splint, it is important that you treat it properly and give yourself time to rest.  Using tape on the shin splint is a great way to reduce the stress on the shin.  The tape, when properly applied, helps to promote faster healing so you can get back to life and exercise sooner.

When taping a shin splint, you will want to shave the shin so that the tape you are using adheres better.  Take two pieces of tape, each approximately the length of your shinbone.  Apply a piece of the tape lengthwise to each side of the shin.

Now, cut several smaller pieces of tape.  Affix them across the other pieces so that they are diagonal, and pull them fairly tight (but not so tight they lift off your skin).  Apply the tape to your shin splint in this manner until all areas of the shin are covered in tape.

To make sure that the tape stays in place, cut another two pieces of tape the same length as the first two.  Place each of these to your shin as you did with the first two long pieces.  This will help to hold the diagonal tape in place.  Use several more, shorter pieces and apply them horizontally across the tape on your leg.  Three or four pieces should do the trick.

Stay away from running and exercise until your shin splint heals completely.  This can take varying amounts of time depending on how quickly you heal.

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