How to Eat Healthy On the Go

We are a nation of fast food eaters. With such busy schedules, who has time to cook foods that offer proper nutrition these days? Unfortunately, while fast food is tasty, it isn’t very healthy or nutritious. You can, however, learn to make healthy choices while eating on the go.

For starters, stick with a cool glass of water rather than drinking a can of soda. Not only will it save you a lot of calories, it might also save you a little money if the local tap water is safe to drink. Most fast food restaurants will give you a small paper cup for water if you ask them – you are not obligated to buy their soda. Optimum health starts with drinking enough water!

Second, although counting calories is not fun, a lot of fast food restaurants make it easy with calorie counts beside menu options. This helps you stay aware of just how many calories you’re taking in without compromising your health.

Third, make special requests if you need to. Don’t be shy! You can turn an unhealthy fast food sandwich into something more conducive to your health, by simply asking “Hold the mayo, please!” Healthy substitutions include switching white bread for wheat bread, holding the dressing on salads (pick balsamic if you must have dressing), and taking the cheese slices out of your sandwiches and burgers.

Additionally, skip the fried food and opt for the grilled meat instead. For example, grilled chicken is much healthier than a piece of fried chicken. Grilled chicken in a hamburger bun with BBQ sauce is about a third of the calories as the same sized hamburger with just a single dry beef patty.

Lastly, look at your options. Just because you’re eating at a drive-thru doesn’t mean you have to eat a triple cheeseburger. A lot of establishments are serving salads for more health-conscious people. You can also lay off the fries, and order a fruit cup instead.


Finally, skip the fatty, calorie-laden ice-cream milkshake and have a bottle of strawberry milk or orange juice. Your waistline will thank you for it!

It’s hard to eat on the go, but it’s not hard to watch your nutrition at the drive-thru!

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