Carpet Cleaning Tips to Beat Ground in Dirt and Stains

Carpet cleaning is never fun, but with a few tips, your cleaning days can be easier than you think.  Sometimes, having a few tips to use can help minimize the amount of work involved in the actual cleaning process.  From stain removal to just cleaning it properly, your older carpet can look clean and almost new.  Here are some of the best:

* Vacuum often and deeply.  Vacuuming is one of the most important things you can do to maintain the health and cleanliness of your carpet.  This is especially important right before deep cleaning.

* Spot clean before you deep clean.  Using spot treatments can help you to remove more of the stains on the carpeting.

* Focus on stains when they happen.  If something spills onto the carpet, clean it up quickly.  Blot the liquid with a clean cloth.  Avoid rubbing as this just rubs the liquid further into the carpet.  Apply a good-quality stain removal spray and let it sit for at least 2 minutes, then sponge off and blot dry.

* Club soda is a great tool for removing stains with coloring.  Carpet cleaning pros often say that it only takes a bit of club soda on a red wine stain to pull it right off.

* Realize that you may need a professional cleaner.  At least one time per year, it is a good idea to have a professional, deep cleaning.

These carpet cleaning tips can help you to have a good looking carpet all the time.  Remember to focus on regular cleaning to maintain the overall look and condition of the carpet material.  You can greatly extend the life of your carpet by using these tips.

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