How to Remove Candle Wax From the Carpet

How many times have you blown out a candle and tried to move it before the wax cooled? If you spill that wax onto your nice clean carpet, you’ll have a nice sticky mess on your hands. Don’t worry, you don’t need to call in a professional carpet cleaner. It’s easier than you might think to remove candle wax from your carpet. Here is a simple method that will remove candle wax quickly and painlessly.


When you notice the wax on the carpet, you will want to make sure that you let it cool and dry rather than start trying to remove the hot candle wax. If you’ve spilled a big lump it will contain very hot wax, and you may burn yourself. Once the wax cools, grab an ice cube from the refrigerator and rub it over the wax until it freezes. After the wax freezes, you will be able to remove the candle wax from the carpet by breaking it up and scraping it away. You can use a butter knife or a similar object to scrape. Since it is so brittle, it will be easy to remove the candle wax this way.


That is only half the job though. You will still find small amounts of the wax in the carpet. Next, gather several paper towels and place them on the floor over the remaining wax. Take an iron on a low setting and heat the area by pressing down lightly. This will remove the candle wax by melting it and drawing it up into the paper towel. Repeat with new paper towels to remove the remaining candle wax that remains until the spot is clear.


Some people are tempted to remove candle wax by cutting it out of their carpet. Never do this or you will wind up with waxy bald spots which act as a magnet for dirt. Now that you see just how easy it can be to remove candle wax with this simple and free home method, you’ll never be tempted to take the shears to the carpet again.

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