Cleaning and Caring for Your Waterbed

Do you have a waterbed but find that you are at a loss when knowing how to maintain it so that it lasts many years?  Here are a few tips that will keep your waterbed clean and healthy so that you can get years of use from it.

One of the first things that you should know is that every six months, you need to add water conditioner to the water inside the bed.  This helps prevent the growth of algae and mold and will keep the bed from developing an odor.  The conditioner is easy to find, and you will discover that it makes your waterbed last much longer.

Another tip for maintaining a waterbed is to ensure that you completely flush out the bladder at least once annually.  You can buy a drain and fill kit from your local hardware store if needed, and using soapy water to do this can help remove particles that damage the bladder over time.  Fill the bed with clean water and you should be good to go.

Checking your waterbed frame is equally important.  You always want to be certain that no hinges or screws have come loose or started to stick out, as they can put a hole in the bladder and cause a leak overnight.  Check to ensure that the heater is running safely and that everything looks and acts as it should.  Watch out for wear in the bladder as well, and use a waterbed patch on any apparent weak spots to prevent leaks.

When you maintain your waterbed properly, you will find that it can offer years of comfort and relaxation.

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