How to Care For Your New Pet Turtle

If you have a pet turtle, then you have a companion that can live for a very long time.  Some turtles can outlive a human being, with some specimens recorded as living to 100 years old.  However, it is important that you know how to properly care for your pet turtle to ensure that it is happy and healthy.

First, you need to have an aquarium that is large enough for the turtle. The tank should hold at least 40 gallons.  If you have an outside area to keep your turtle and you live in a warmer climate, you can use a prefabricated pond or even a wading pool.  Turtles are cold blooded, so you will not be able to keep your new pet outside during the winter months, as if they become too cold they will become ill and die.


You’ll need a thermometer to make sure the water is warm enough for your turtle. Water temperatures should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees F. Pet stores such as PetCo and Walmart carry a variety of heaters you can use to make sure your new pet stays at the correct temperature.


If you’re setting up an indoor aquarium, you should know that turtles need to be able to get out of the water and rest.  They can live either on land or in the water, but need both to survive.  Use natural materials to recreate a realistic environment for your turtle. You should avoid using bark chips in the tank, as your turtle may eat these and wind up with an impacted stomach.


You also need to add decorative items to the aquarium – rocks, sanded branches, and plastic or natural plants can be used here.  The goal is to recreate the natural environment your turtle would have in the wild.


You should feed your adult turtle three times a week.  Young turtles need to eat every day.  A very nutritious diet can be made out of raw meat, worms and bananas.  If you prefer a pre-made food, you can buy prepared reptile food cans and food sticks at your local pet shop. They will only eat when the food is placed into the water, so be sure to only feed a small amount at once.  Remove any uneaten food promptly, or it will rot and pollute the water.


Finally, make sure that you clean the aquarium regularly.  Your turtle needs a clean, healthy place to live.  Clean the aquarium completely at least once per week to ensure that it stays in the best condition possible.

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