How to Help Your Vet Diagnose Your Pet

You love your pet, and when you have to take your animal to the vet for any reason, it can be a scary experience.  No one wants anything bad to happen to the animals that they hold so dear, but if your pet is sick, the vet can be a true lifesaver.  If you find yourself in a situation that requires a trip to the vet, make sure that you do your best to help the vet with the diagnosis.




Firstly, you should know what your pet has been eating recently.  Inform the vet if the animal has eaten a new type of food, table scraps, or anything else that you can recall him or her dining on since the symptoms started.  Some human foods such as chocolate, onions and avocados can actually be toxic to both cats and dogs, so tell the vet if you remember your pet getting hold of any ‘human food’ in the last week or two – the information could save your pet’s life.  Changes in diet can cause problems such as allergies or toxic reactions, and if the animal ate something they shouldn’t, the vet needs to know right away.




You should also let the vet know of any behavioral changes that you might have observed in the animal.  Was the pet sleeping more than usual, whining, scratching, rubbing, or even acting crazy?  Anything that you can tell your vet about the way that your animal has been behaving will help him or her to make a faster and more accurate diagnosis of the problem. 

Bathroom Habits


Finally, this may not be to everyone’s taste, but before you take your pet to the vet you should observe your pet ‘going potty.’  Watch for unusual signs like excessive straining or pain, and check the stools afterward (a brief glance will go).  The vet may ask you if your pet has blood in their stools, or if the stools are unusually runny, dark, pale or a greenish color (all signs that something internal is amiss).


The more your veterinarian knows about your pet, the more likely you are to have a speedy diagnosis.

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