How to Get on Her Good Side

There is no wrath like a woman scorned.  This is especially true if you have a dysfunctional mother and an infuriating girlfriend like I do.  Although I love them both to death, when they get that look in their eyes – that soul-piercing gaze that burns a hole in your conscience – I know that I need to step up my game to avoid an instant argument.


Throughout the years I have developed some great techniques on how to get on their good side that I want to share with you.  If you have a woman in your life with a similar personality, use these tips to appease her.


5. Buy Her Gifts


What woman could resist a freshly cut bouquet of flowers and a box of tasty chocolates, fresh from the candy store?  Even the most cynical of ladies can melt under the right circumstances, and a shower of gifts is the perfect way to make her swoon. 


If you’ve done something especially criminal, let’s say for example come home stumbling in the middle of the night after you’ve snuck out with friends to a party and your girlfriend is sitting on the couch waiting to catch you in your tracks (maybe has happened to me), then you should opt for some nice jewelry.  Make sure it it real gold or silver – don’t try to appease her with a $2 fake-silver chain from the local swap meet that will bring her out in a rash.  Because then you’re looking at a whole new argument.


4. Take Her Out


You may enjoy sitting on the couch reading ‘Sports Illustrated’ and eating stale chips, but women don’t understand the satisfaction that comes with pure, unadulterated laziness.  She wants to go out and be social, show off her new outfit, and explore the city with her man on her arm.  Whether it’s your girlfriend, friend, or relative, take her out to a movie or just grab a bite to eat at least once a week.  As irrational as it sounds, getting out of the house at the weekend is just as refreshing and fun for women as we find lying in a pool of our own drool watching WWF re-runs in bed.  Don’t ask me why.


3. Show Physical Affection


Men are logical creatures; we think in terms of cause and effect.  Women are the opposite; they often act and react from pure emotion.  Connect to her nurturing side by showing affection, and doing it regularly.  Tell her how important she is to you or give her a random hug when you pass her in the hallway.  You can give her a massage or a foot rub when she does a good job and gets a promotion at work.  Reach out emotionally or physically and you will have comforted your woman and maybe even made her happy.


2. Be Responsible


I’ll be the first one to admit that I am somewhat unreliable.  Most men are as well – we have a hard time being on time or sticking to our promises.  Showing up for a date a half hour late or forgetting to fix the cabinet door is infuriating and insulting in her eyes, and yes, she will take it personally. 


To really get on her good side, always try to match your actions to your words and she will have very few things to get mad at your for.  If you know you are always 20 minutes late, tell her you’ll be at the movie theater at 1:20pm rather than killing yourself to get there at 1pm and still being late.  Adjust your own behavior to compensate for your weaknesses, rather than constantly explaining, lying or trying to justify yourself.  It take a lot less work, believe me.


1. Have Traditional Manners

Classic chivalry is the best way to win over a woman and get on her good side.  Small gestures like opening doors, walking on the street side of the sidewalk, and standing up when she enters the room make a huge impact because it demonstrates respect; respect for her as an individual as well as respect for all women.  Some common but effective signs of chivalry that we often forget include: filling her glass up first, pulling the chair out for her, opening car doors, and offering a hand when going downstairs in high heels. 


It’s important to note that if these habits don’t come naturally to you, find some other way to impress her.  If you start your relationship by doing all of the things above and then stop after a few months when you think you have ‘won’ her, you’ll wind up looking worse in her eyes that if you had not tried any of these things in the first place.  Start as you mean to go on, and you’ll have a happy woman on your hands.


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