Three Baby Shower Gifts That Will Always Be Appreciated

Baby showers can be a great amount of fun, but when it comes time to open presents, it seems like the fare on offer is always incredibly predictable.  When you are looking for the best baby shower gifts for a loved one in your life, it can help to be unique and creative.  There are a number of baby shower gifts out there that your friends will love, and that they may never have realized they need.

A great idea if you are looking for truly creative baby shower gifts is to give the expecting parents a home-made Promise Certificate.  Create a certificate that offers your babysitting or cleaning services for a night or even a weekend, when they need it most.  Your loved ones are soon to be getting a lot less sleep and quiet time, and having someone to help out for even a little while is one of the best baby shower gifts you can give. when the time comes when they need to get away, they will love you for it!

Another excellent idea is to purchase a white noise machine.  These can be picked up for only a few dollars at major drug stores such as CVS (US) or Boots (UK), though there are higher end models (check out the Brookstone and Innovations catalog for a great selection), and they can be a lifesaver.  Many of the best machines offer different sounds to soothe mother or child, ensuring that everyone in the house gets some needed rest.

If you are still looking for other baby shower gifts, a Bumbo seat is another great idea.  This seat is designed to hold up babies who cannot yet hold up their own heads.  Parents around the world hail the seats as miracle inventions, and parents who try them often can’t imagine life without them.

Finding the perfect baby shower gifts for your friends is best done with a little creativity, and these ideas can be a great start!

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