How to Bring Your Family Together By Playing Games

Looking for toys that everyone in the family can enjoy, parents and kids alike? There are so many different options to consider. It’s said that playing with toys keeps you mentally young, so even your grandparents can be tempted to join in a game every once in a while. Let’s take a look at some of the best toys that bridge the generations and bring everyone in your family together.

One of the most popular electronic ‘toys’ that everyone in the family can enjoy is the Nintendo Wii. This gaming system has taken the world by storm, by making a motion-controlled computer game that responds to the movement of your body. Whereas regular computer games are unhealthy for your child, because they encourage long periods of sitting, with the Wii your child has to get up and go through the real motions of batting, throwing, running and kicking in order to make the game work. Sensors in the Wii’s control sticks sense the real-time position of your body and feed that back into the game to control the on-screen characters. Having tried the system myself, I can say it’s more fun than you might think. If you want to get everyone in on the action, this is a good investment to make for the health of your entire family.

If you are looking for something that is a little less expensive than the Wii, you might consider investing in a collection of the most popular board games for the family. These toys can include classic favorites, such options as Monopoly, Scrabble, Chinese Checkers, and so on. Once you have a good collection of games, be sure to schedule a weekly family game night and then plan for the entire family to have some old-fashioned fun. Make some healthy snacks beforehand such as a selection of fresh cut-up vegetables on a plate with some crackers and dip, and let the fun begin!

If you have the space in your garage or spare room, what about an air hockey or ping pong table? These toys make it easy for the entire family to get in on the fun. These games are a good investment if you have a growing family, as they last a long time and can be enjoyed by your children and yourself for many years to come. If you have the space for these toys, they are likely to be a hit with everyone in the family.


Finally, if you know any card games (or are willing to learn some), teaching your child to play cards will help develop their memory and logistical skills. Even the littlest child can be taught the classic, high-speed game of ‘Snap.’ If your child is a little older, they may be fascinated to learn how to play a simple card game. If you or your child’s grandparents are good at a particular game, teaching your child the game can be a great bonding experience. Instead of playing with money, play with treats such as nuts and candy, or even chocolate ‘gold coins.’ You don’t have to worry about your 10-year-old running out to the casino when he learns to play poker, but you might just have given him the mental boost he or she needs to ace Algebra in school!

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